As of today - July 8th
Hello everyone! I am mostly over my horrible, awful, no good flu and am on the path to recovery. Sunday was a particular struggle, as I think I had been exposed to yet another virus (this time a stomach something or other), and I muddled through the day and its preaching duties, but I work up today without any signs of the setback, which was a good thing since I had to go to Belmopan to pick up my new passport from the US embassy.
This week is the calm week before the arrival of two new short-term teams from the US, and I'll be keeping it low key as I continue to recover. There are some new exciting things in the works around here that I hope to fill you in on next week but, for now, let me say that this week I will be preparing to serve at the newly replanted Iglesia Anglicana "La Anunciación". Please pray for me as I get ready to preach God's Word and assist in services.
That's about it for this week! I am so grateful for your prayers: have a wonderful week!