The Canadian Connection

Here's a prayer request for you all ... but first a little background ...

While I was in Canada raising support among churches and their leadership, I was often asked why I had come to Canada to raise support. While there may have been a considerable bit of (what Dr. Horrible calls) "crazy random happenstance" involved in making the decision, in retrospect I consider it a providential visit to raise support in Canada.

See, though an international support team made of partners from all over the world can complicate matters (particularly in the realms of finances and cultural translation), there's something incredibly biblical and empowering about having a truly global missions team. The Lamb-that-was-slain has redeemed a people for himself "from every tribe and tongue and nation" whose call then is to take his Gospel to "every tribe and tongue and nation." And the more that not only the mission team's objective but the mission team itself is cross-cultural, the more I think that this mission will be reflecting God's design and intention for his church.

So you can imagine, as the possibility of building a truly international and multicultural missions team has presented itself, I've been pretty jazzed about pursuing it. Of course, we're not just talking about Canada. Not only have military servicemen begun praying for me from as far away as Afghanistan, but believers from Peru have signed up to receive updates and be counted in on the prayer team, and despite the language barrier, their emails since have been some of the most encouraging that I have received!

So, in the wake of my trip to Canada, I have asked SAMS Canada to set up ways for Canadian churches and individuals to give financially to my mission through their agency. Please keep this process in prayer, the result of which Lord willing will strengthen not only this ministry but his church around the world and will resound to the praise and glory of his Name!
