As of today - September 3rd
Almost a week down without Fr. Juan and María, and we are (by God's grace) surviving well. Pastoral visits have been going well, and we had a great couple of worship services on Sunday at St. Andrew's and St. Hilda's.
Saturday saw quite a bit of important activity. First, we had an important Pre-Synod Conference in Belmopan which took most of the day. The Bishop and his staffed prepped us regarding the up-and-coming Diocesan Synod (October 11-14), placing the vision, topics, and roles in high relief. Then later than evening, we commenced with "young adults ministry" in Cayo. Twelves young people showed up for some traditional rice 'n' beans and stewed chicken, and we talked over how youth ministry might look in the coming months. We're going to give meeting every two weeks for worship and fellowship a try. Please keep this in your prayers!
This week looks to be "tranquil" ... at least, as much as it can be when all the Anglican schools are starting classes. I visited each school today, giving opening prayers and occasionally a few words. It was great to see all the teachers and staff back in gear. Tomorrow at St. Andrew's we'll begin our devotions with the teachers, and then next week we start regular chapel services at each school. On top of that, we're starting up again our Thursday evening children's ministry in Georgeville on Thursday evenings. In other words, we have our work cut out for us!
Oh, and I'm preaching this weekend. So ... the picture is painted for you, my readers. Would you please keep me in your prayer?